adult education classes

March into new skills and refresh your old ones this month! Whether you're learning something fresh or brushing up on what you already know, it’s the perfect time to "spring forward" with confidence and a little extra know-how! Check out the Polaris Adult Ed. classes starting in March.

Two popular series are highlighted below:

Stay Safe Classes

Empower yourself with essential life-saving and common-sense safety skills by attending Stay Safe classes. Gain confidence and knowledge to handle any emergency or unusual situation at home, work, during travel or through the Internet. Our expert-led courses equip you with practical techniques for personal safety. Join us today to take control of your well-being and protect those you love with the power of preparedness!

Construction Hiccups classes

Learn how to tackle common home construction issues with our Construction Hiccups classes. This lecture-based course teaches you when to DIY and when it’s time to call in a professional. Gain the knowledge to confidently manage your home projects and avoid costly mistakes!

March 8 Construction Hiccups: Gutters, Grading & Downspouts

March 10 MS Outlook

March 10 “Let Go & Carry On” 10 Steps to Overcome Anxiety & Fear

March 11  Planning for the Long-Term - Will You Need Long-Term Care?

March 15  Refuse to Be a Victim

March 15  Scones & Irish Soda Bread

March 17  Yoga

March 18  Estate Planning - Have You Created an Estate Plan for Your Family?

March 18  Stay Safe: Parents & Children

March 19  Introduction to Drawing

March 19  Getting Paid to Talk: An Introduction to Professional Voice-Over

March 20 Excel 1: Basics

March 22 Construction Hiccups: Framing, Roofing, Windows & Doors

March 24 Living Wills, Health Power of Attorney, DNR Orders, Organ Donations & HIPAA

March 24 MS Word for Beginners

March 25 Social Security Benefits: When Should You Begin?

March 26 Cell Phone Apps

March 26 CompTIA A+ Certification (Core Skills Certification)

March 27  Nuts & Bolts of Trusts

March 27  Excel 2: Functions, Charts & Filtering Data

March 27  How to Eat Plant-Based: Set Up for Success

March 29  Construction Hiccups: Plumbing, Electrical & HVAC

For more information on spring classes and the entire lineup, email or click HERE to register TODAY!