Polaris High School Programs
Students in grades 11 and 12 receive real world career-technical education in a hands-on learning environment.
Career-Tech Programs
Our high school programs prepare students for highly skilled technical occupations while potentially earning free or reduced cost college credits.
Special Admissions Programs
Polaris offers a variety of special admission programs designed to help students gain valuable employability skills and work experience.
Questions? Call 440.891.7732
Polaris provides you with the skills you need to enter, advance and excel in college and the workplace of tomorrow!
Polaris provides real world career-technical education in a high-tech learning environment. At Polaris, you can begin earning college credit before you ever step foot on a college campus – saving time and money. In addition, many Polaris programs provide you access to industry-recognized certifications. After graduation, you can go directly into the job market or capitalize on those credit hours by continuing your education at a two- or four-year college.
Polaris has many career-technical programs to choose from. All programs feature state-of-the-art technology and training in a practical setting. Come discover the Polaris program that is right for you!
It’s easy to apply!
Acceptance into Polaris programs will be based on each student’s Polaris Success Rubric score. A copy of the rubric can be found here. Applications will continue to be accepted until the start of next school year on a space-available basis.
For additional information regarding Polaris programs and the enrollment process, contact Cindy Crisler, Enrollment Coordinator, at 440.891.7732 or email Cindy Crisler.
We know you may have questions about all that Polaris does for our students and community. Please let us know your area of interest and someone will get back to you.