
Adult students are trained to become welders in the welding, fabricating & metallurgical trades and gain access to this demanding field.

Contact Darice Cundiff at 440-891-7716 or email Darice Cundiff to arrange a personal tour!

600 HOURS (36 WEEKS)

Manufacturing is what makes our world go round and welders hold it all together! To keep operations running smoothly, trained technicians in the welding, fabricating, and metallurgical trades are critical. Welding careers are stable and in demand. Join today!

Contact Darice at 440-891-7716 or email Darice Cundiff to arrange a personal tour!

Welding 2024-2025 Advisory Members

Mr. Darren Anderson, The Pipe Line Development Company (PLIDCO)
Mr. Elliot Ash, Lincoln Electric
Mr. Mike Barrett, Westinghouse Electric Company
Mr. Jay Cordell, Clark Reliance, LLC.
Mr. Michael Daggett, EMH, Inc.
Mr. Justin Frick, Halvorsen Co.
Mr. Corey Grand, Ultimate Headers
Mr. Arnie Kuchenmeister, NASA - HX5
Mr. Ryan Lochner, AT & F
Mr. Matthew Munyan, AT & F
Mr. Mike Roach, OE Meyer Company
Mr. Sean Schill, Alloy Engineering Company
Mr. David White, The Pipe Line Development Company (PLIDCO)