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Registration Procedures

October 2024
Polaris staff and students will visit your high school with the many benefits of attending Polaris.

October 2024
High school catalogs are mailed to all homes of sophomore students.

November 15 & 18, 2024
Polaris Career Center Sophomore Visitation.  

Registration Night – November 19, 2024
6:00-7:30 p.m.
Tour our programs and labs, meet our instructors, apply to your Polaris program of choice and earn points toward your enrollment application, just for attending!

December 2024
Applications due to Polaris for first round of acceptance reviews

December 2024 - March 2025
Career-Tech Thursdays allow sophomore students to spend a half day in a program to gain more exposure and make an informed decision.

January 2025 – June 2025
Letters of acceptance and/or conditional acceptance mailed in bulk by school to students based on Polaris Success Rubric score

May 2025
New student orientation day and evening orientation programs

Summer 2025
Registration letter mailed to students

First day of school

Please reference the Enrollment FAQ's page if you have any questions. For additional information regarding Polaris on-campus programs and the enrollment process, contact Cindy Crisler, Enrollment Coordinator, at 440.891.7732 or Email Cindy Crisler.