Exam Discount Voucher Applications
Gain access to vouchers for the two main high school equivalency exams - the GED and HiSET.
Polaris Career Center is pleased to offer discount vouchers for each of the two High School Equivalency Tests offered in Ohio: GED and HiSET. To apply for a discount voucher, please access the test you wish to take via the link below. Vouchers are generally sent via email within 14 days of application submission. Please check your junk/spam folder before contacting us if, after 14 days, you have not received your voucher code via email. You may call 440.891.7647 to check on the status of your application 14 days after you have submitted your application.
More information on these tests is available here. Polaris Career Center is not a testing location. You will be able to choose from a list of approved testing centers when you apply to take the Exam.
You may receive only one discount voucher, so choose the test that best fits your needs. If you apply for more than one test voucher, any submissions beyond the first application submitted will be deleted.
Best of luck on your test and in your future endeavors!