Career Development Pillars
Polaris Career Center’s career development framework includes three pillars: career awareness and exploration, career planning, and workforce development. Beginning in middle school, students explore careers based on their interests and personal learning styles. In high school, students continue career exploration and learn about occupations within their career pathways. Students engage in focused career planning, post-graduation preparation, employability skills training, and authentic work-based learning opportunities

Beginning in middle school, students enrolled in Polaris satellite classes will have opportunities to learn about their individual personality and learning styles. Students will explore career pathways and occupations of interest, including available high school programs of study.
Career exploration opportunities continued. Students in 11th and 12th grade will participate in employability classes, resume writing, and learn more about college and workforce options. Polaris seniors will participate in senior exit interviews to support post-graduation planning.
Polaris students will participate in mock interviews, work-based learning opportunities, job shadowing, internships and career fairs. Students with special needs will be provided job development services to help secure employment post-graduation.